All posts by andreasberonius

Stockholm Climate Arena

To further strengthen and develop our sustainability work and climate promise for the future, we joined Klimatarena Stockholm in the spring. We are initially involved in two exciting working groups: Climate-smart building materials and the recycling market. 

So exciting, fun, interesting and important. It is together that we achieve real results and change.

Speed Workshop: Upcycling

All work and no play... Yeah well, that don't make sense. So, when all of us at Reform and Reflex had a field related educational day the other week, we rounded off with a fun upcycling exercise.

In small groups, and quick pace, the assignment was to design an architectural seating furniture and make a 1:5 scale model of it. The twist? Well, the given material was a variety of our old storage side covers and tops that we didn't need after our office relocation. Fine, lacquered 18mm MDF, boards that we haven't had the heart of throwing away. And anything can become something else if you just reimagine, and reform it.

So now, we have a bunch of fun, cool, and refreshingly odd pieces of furniture to move forward with and some of them are to be made in full scale, from the old material, so stay tuned for that.

And don't forget to have fun and to respect even "waste" material. Use it!

Reflex and Reform create labs for the future

Reflex and Reform Arkitekter create labs for the future.

Architect Maria Rudberg and interior designer Thea Lautrup talk about their work and approach to the complex but fascinating world of lab environments.

Labs are part of our DNA. For decades, we have developed a methodology and expertise to create future-proof and flexible labs that can evolve with the business and work just as well today as in 10-15 years.

Lab for the future


See more films from Reform

Reform and the Swedish Gaming Wonder

Reform and the Swedish Gaming Wonder

In Sweden, there has been a developed gaming industry for many years that is used to constantly thinking in new and creative ways. It's part of their process and DNA. Reform has worked with several of these gaming companies and created the best environments that people thrive in and motivate employees to perform at their very best. It's part of our DNA.


See more videos from Reform here

Magic carpets

In our quest to be more sustainable, material-smart and circular, we need to work progressively and "synergistically" with both customers and industry colleagues. Now, together with our friends at Dahl Agenturer, we have explored what we can do with old carpets, scraps and off-cuts. All so as not to let fine and functional materials go to waste and instead find ways to give them new life. Perhaps in unexpected forms and with new functions.

We call it magic carpets and the results so far, with the theme of sound-absorbing wall decorations, are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to ideas and further development potential. This is something that we will definitely continue to work on because it is by being creative and exploring together, across borders and competencies, that we grow and develop. Both as an office and as people.

Join us!

Thank you all for coming to open our new office!

Thank you all for coming to open our new office!

It's great to have been able to open our new office and start a new chapter for Reflex and Reform. Thank you all for celebrating with us. We'll see you again soon.

©Orlando G Boström, photoart, photographer, photographer in Stockholm, art, photoart. fotokonst, lifestyle

Watch our videos

Office Day 2021


Reflex partner Jenny Öberg spoke at Fastighetsvärlden's event Kontorsdagen 25 November on the theme "Suddenly the home has become the new workplace for many and meetings have become digital. What new demands does Corona place on office design? And how should tomorrow's offices be designed to cope with future pandemics?"

The world's best office


Coca-Cola - ranked as the world's best office

15 minutes city


Peter Sahlin, partner at Reflex and founder of Reform, shares his views on sustainable architecture, of which the 15-minute city is an important part.

Office Day 2021 (short version)


Reform's Sini Nenonen lectured together with Vanna Gunnarsson of ElinderStens Arkitekter on the theme "How will the office be after the pandemic" at the Office Day, arranged by Fastighetsvärlden.

Home away from home


New office in Münchenbryggeriet offers the right conditions for an activity-based approach

What happens to the office when the pandemic is over?


The pandemic has forced the majority of offices to close down and we have had a year where a lot of work has been done from home.

Light brings the project to life!


Even though the brightest day of the year is approaching and we have daylight pretty much around the clock, light plays a very important role in all our projects. With the right light in the right place, we highlight and clarify architecture and interior design, emphasising features and enhancing colours, materials, gloss and texture.

Sustainable architecture


Reflex partner Maria Hedensjö Bergqvist talks about her views on sustainable architecture.

Homework and the office after the pandemic


The home office is in many cases a good fit for the individual, but for many of our clients working with, for example, game development and fintech companies, it's difficult to get the creative process to work across teams. Here, Reform's Peter Sahlin tells us what's happening with offices after the pandemic.

Lighting particularly important when working with new conditions


To create an effective and pleasant working environment, it is important to design lighting that is dynamic, controllable and suited to the tasks at hand.

See how we created a new office where we reused all our furnishings.

See how we created a new office where we reused all our furnishings. It was an exciting project with a high level of ambition for both the environment and the function and architecture of the new workplace.


For more information:
Daniel Svahn
Interior designer

More films

Office Day 2021


Reflex partner Jenny Öberg spoke at Fastighetsvärlden's event Kontorsdagen 25 November on the theme "Suddenly the home has become the new workplace for many and meetings have become digital. What new demands does Corona place on office design? And how should tomorrow's offices be designed to cope with future pandemics?"

The world's best office


Coca-Cola - ranked as the world's best office

15 minutes city


Peter Sahlin, partner at Reflex and founder of Reform, shares his views on sustainable architecture, of which the 15-minute city is an important part.

Office Day 2021 (short version)


Reform's Sini Nenonen lectured together with Vanna Gunnarsson of ElinderStens Arkitekter on the theme "How will the office be after the pandemic" at the Office Day, arranged by Fastighetsvärlden.

Home away from home


New office in Münchenbryggeriet offers the right conditions for an activity-based approach

What happens to the office when the pandemic is over?


The pandemic has forced the majority of offices to close down and we have had a year where a lot of work has been done from home.

Light brings the project to life!


Even though the brightest day of the year is approaching and we have daylight pretty much around the clock, light plays a very important role in all our projects. With the right light in the right place, we highlight and clarify architecture and interior design, emphasising features and enhancing colours, materials, gloss and texture.

Sustainable architecture


Reflex partner Maria Hedensjö Bergqvist talks about her views on sustainable architecture.

Homework and the office after the pandemic


The home office is in many cases a good fit for the individual, but for many of our clients working with, for example, game development and fintech companies, it's difficult to get the creative process to work across teams. Here, Reform's Peter Sahlin tells us what's happening with offices after the pandemic.

Lighting particularly important when working with new conditions


To create an effective and pleasant working environment, it is important to design lighting that is dynamic, controllable and suited to the tasks at hand.

Strong focus on reuse when Reflex and Reform move into AMF Fastigheter's Fatburen

Thank you all for coming to open our new office!

07 March, 2022

When Reflex Arkitekter moves its office to Fatburen in Södermalm, the focus is on sustainability. In close cooperation with the landlord AMF Fastigheter, they have reused almost all the furnishings, materials and installations that were previously in the premises. The planned move-in date is 7 March.

AMF Fastigheter's Fatburen property on Södermalm in Stockholm currently houses several well-known companies, including EA Digital solutions CE, Epidemic Sound and Fidelity Information Services Front Arena. On 7 March, Reflex and Reform will move into the building, in a space of 1133 sqm.

In order to create an office that is as sustainable as possible, we have, in close cooperation with AMF Fastigheter, started from the conditions of the premises and reused the materials and building elements that were already in place. We have been involved in the whole process to find solutions for the needs of the business without tearing down and building new. The end result is an office where almost all the furnishings, materials and installations have been reused.

- "We have taken the opportunity to go all-in on reusing both the layout and the furnishings, and we are working with upcycling of leftover materials and used furniture," says Jenny Öberg, interior architect SIR/MSA and partner at Reflex Architects.

In 2021, AMF Real Estate's climate targets were adopted as part of the Science Based Targets initiative. The targets call for a 67% reduction in indirect emissions per square metre by 2030, including adaptation of premises. Interacting with and enabling sustainable choices for tenants is crucial to achieving this goal, and AMF Real Estate is therefore actively working towards this.

- We are delighted to welcome Reflex and Reform to Fatburen, an architectural firm that is genuinely committed to the same goals as we are in reducing the carbon footprint of site adaptation. They show that their commitment, presence and ability to see solutions will create an office that in its own way is something special," says Per Helgesson, Market Area Manager at AMF Fastigheter.

The vision for the new office has been to create a gathering place with spaces for working peace, socialising, meeting and collaborating. The space includes studios and a model-making area, inspiring meeting rooms and a large "social hub".

- After the pandemic, we have learned the importance of being able to offer an attractive physical meeting place for creative processes and social interaction, which is why we are extremely pleased to have found this space," says Marco Folke Testa, architect SAR/MSA, CEO and partner at Reflex Architects.

Reform designs new office for games giant Ubisoft

09 February, 2022

Ubisoft rents 2,900 sqm in Hagastaden and Reform has been commissioned to design the interior. Move-in is planned for January 2023.

Illustration: Scius/Studio Stockholm

Read about project Glommen in Kvänum stories

04 January, 2022

Finalist as "This Year's Recycling Inspirator" at Återvinningsgalan: Daniel Svahn.

Thank you all for coming to open our new office!

November 30, 2021

We are currently working together with Daniel regarding recycling and sustainability in our projects. He's a multidisciplinary and artistic designer who focuses on material recycling of furniture - to explore, develop, manufacture and create new and interesting designs of the old and already discarded. Reform wishes you good luck!

Photo: Sanna Lindberg

"We lack companionship, but companies also need to create magnets"

Thank you all for coming to open our new office!

02 May, 2021

Conversations are ongoing: What happens to the office when the pandemic is over?

The pandemic has forced the majority of offices to close down and we have had a year where a lot of work has been done from home.

Some love it - others don't. The new situation will have a profound impact on our view of the office. When the vaccine kicks in - what happens to the office?

At Reform, this issue has been on the agenda from day one, when restrictions forced many workplaces to close down. We've been actively working on the issue since the pandemic broke out - from how to corona-adapt an office, to how to create a work environment with social distance and what role the office will play in the future.

This topic will be explored by some of Reform's contributors. Here, Jenny Öberg, architect at Reform, talks about how companies need to create "magnets" to bring employees back to the office.

We lack companionship but companies also need to create magnets

"Employees lack companionship and companies need to create magnets"


Lighting particularly important when working with new conditions

Thank you all for coming to open our new office!

April 23, 2021

Conversations are ongoing: What happens to the office when the pandemic is over?

The pandemic has forced the majority of offices to close down and we have had a year where a lot of work has been done from home.

Some love it - others don't. The new situation will have a profound impact on our view of the office. When the vaccine kicks in - what happens to the office?

At Reform, this issue has been on the agenda from day one, when restrictions forced many workplaces to close down. We have been actively working on this issue since the outbreak of the pandemic - from how we corona-adapt an office, to how we create a remote working environment and what role the office will play in the future.

This topic will be explored by some of Reform's contributors. First up is Beata Denton, lighting designer at Reform.

"Employees lack companionship and companies need to create magnets"


As the vaccine achieves the desired effect, we look to the future with confidence. After a year of working at home, we see the light in the tunnel - soon we can go back to the office!

But, do we really want to commute in every day to the office? After all, it's quite nice to work undisturbed and under freer conditions than the office offers? What can attract employees back to the office? What is the magnet that makes us choose the office over our favourite armchair and soft clothes?

According to Beata Denton, lighting will play a big role in our well-being and health.

- We create a good working environment by focusing on the user. The experience of quality and well-being will become more important, and one of the factors that makes people want to go back to the office. Light plays an important role in making the office a quality place to work," says Beata Denton.

To create an effective and pleasant working environment, it is important to design lighting that is dynamic, controllable and suited to the tasks at hand. Here it is important to question the standard, bland lighting and instead put the right light in the right place at the right time. This also saves energy and we must always bear this in mind.

- It's not about a few designer luminaires, it's about a holistic approach. Creating an environment with the right light levels and variation, a warmth and intensity adapted to the space, the culture and the tasks. Lighting design is about creating the best conditions for a functioning office," says Beata Denton.

- Light is an experience, it is not a LUX number and it is not just a cost. We need to be able to balance quality and well-being against this investment in order to move forward in the evolution and how we light our offices. With light, we can elevate the office to become this 'magnet' that we talk about - that makes people want to come there," concludes Beata Denton.

Lighting particularly important when working with new conditions

Beata's five tips for a better working lighting environment:

  1. Ensure that you can influence the light for individual adaptation
  2. Don't blindly stare at the uniformity requirement - vary light levels and luminaire placement by function and for ambience
  3. Have lower LUX levels as default in meeting rooms - make sure you can dim up if needed
  4. Light is an experience - take advantage of all its possibilities
  5. For the climate - The right light in the right place at the right time. No LUX mats. Use smart control. How to save energy

See also the interview with Jenny Öberg:
We lack companionship but companies also need to create magnets

"Much more will be required of office interiors in the future"

Thank you all for coming to open our new office!

26 March, 2021

Sini Nenonen, from Reform, gave a lecture together with Vanna Gunnarson from ElinderSten on the theme "How will the office be after the pandemic". The lecture was part of the Office Day, organised by Fastighetsvärlden.

- There will be a lot more demand for office interiors in the future, as they compete with working from home and close to home. The office needs to offer the best of the best, both functionally and visually, to attract employees," says Sini Nenonen.

The focus will shift to supporting different types of meetings, creative work, socialising and healthier lifestyles. The interior must clearly reflect the company's brand, both to reinforce team spirit among employees and to act as a business card to clients and new recruits.

- The battle for new talent will become tougher; and the office environment that is inviting, flexible and conducive to well-being and social activities will play a greater role in attracting new talent, says Sini.

Sini Nenonen on Office Day (5 min)

"Employees lack companionship and companies need to create magnets"


Watch the full lecture (18 min)

Sini Nenonen at Kontorsdagen 2021 (long version 18 min)


Four of Reform's clients can win Sweden's Most Stylish Office

Thank you all for coming to open our new office!

October 23rd, 2020

This is something we are happy and proud of!

But what does a "nice office" mean?
Stylish is one way of describing a really good office. A workplace that responds. If our clients and employees feel their office is neat, then we're happy. Because that means that what we've worked on and filled the office with - it's right. Where the environment doesn't interfere or interfere with the experience or the work to be done. We claim that beauty comes from within. Because if the office - our shared workplace - doesn't offer what the business demands in terms of function, ergonomics, sustainability and flexibility - well, it probably isn't pretty either.


Reitan Convenience Service (7-Eleven and Pressbyrån headquarters)


Paradox Interactive

Facts about the competition
The winner of Sweden's Most Stylish Office will be chosen at the seminar Stora Kontorsdagen. The competition is organised by - Sweden's leading marketplace for vacant premises.

The aim of the competition is to showcase the large number of stylish and smart offices that exist in our country.

The office that best meets the criteria of style, working environment and innovation will win the competition.

The prize for the winner of the most stylish office is, in addition to the honour and all the attention/publicity, an exclusive work of art that will further enhance the office environment for the tenants of the winning office.

Read more here:

Coffee bar, test kitchen and museum - Reitan's new office is out of the ordinary

Thank you all for coming to open our new office!

29 September, 2020

It's not every day that an office is designed to include a coffee bar, a test kitchen and a museum. When Reform was commissioned by Reitan Convenience Sweden, the service company behind 7-Eleven and Pressbyrån, the brief was "this is not going to be an ordinary office". 

Reitan has been located on Strandbergatan on Kungsholmen under Essingeleden since the 1960s. Now the company would move a few doors down the same street. The service company with 120 employees for 7-Eleven and Pressbyrån would now move into an old workshop. In addition to a modern office with good meeting space, the new office was required to include an external area with a coffee bar, a test kitchen for the two chains' different food concepts and a 300 square metre museum on the history of Pressbyrån.  

A guiding principle in Reitan's activities is "Kuttism", which loosely translated from Norwegian means "getting a lot from a little". You take what you have and make something simple and fast out of it. Employees are very hands-on and need to be able to quickly test new technologies without intermediaries, such as self-service in the stores (there is a Press Office wall-to-wall with the office), but they also test sausages and buns and try out new coffee in their coffee bar. This posed new challenges for the design of a multifunctional office

- This is the first time I've drawn a museum into an office space! The challenge was a multifunctional office for a modern way of working but also for functions such as a coffee shop and a test kitchen. At the same time, there is an incredible pride in history that will characterise the office. Around the space we specially designed different spaces to place various historical objects that tell about the history of Pressbyrån, 7-Elevens and Sweden, says Jennie Maxe, responsible interior designer at Reform. 

Natural light in harmony with windowless corridor

Reform created a flexible and functional layout that can change with time and the different needs of Reitans. The expression of the different floors was enhanced by details, materials, colours and lighting. 

Lighting was a particular challenge. The building is an old industrial building with a glazed sawtooth roof with two large sections with light, but these are connected by a section with a low ceiling height without daylight. 

The architecture of the building influenced the design of the space and the character of the different floors.

Reform created a line of sight through the space to open up and bring in daylight. In this way, you are drawn into the space in a natural way.

- The daylightless corridors have been enhanced with dramatic lighting and distinctive pools of light. There are also seating areas for conversations or meetings that offer a different lighting environment to standard meeting rooms. It is an asset to be able to seek out different kinds of light environments during a long working day. It's a workout for the eye muscle and the body. Warm light temperatures here enhance the intimate atmosphere and provide a good contrast to the high, bright work surfaces with their rich daylight and ambient light," says Beata Denton, the lighting designer responsible for the project.

The office was completed just as the corona epidemic struck, but life in the new office has slowly begun. 

- The response has been very good. Both employees and external partners think the office is cool and different, says Jennie Maxe. 

Reform helps you in the foggy jungle

Reform helps you in the foggy jungle

21 August, 2020

Feeling lost in the foggy jungle? You are not alone! Many people see the opportunity to create better and more efficient lighting in offices with smart dimming solutions and different lighting scenarios. But there are many different technical solutions and it's not always easy to find the right one.

Reform's lighting experts Beata Denton and Ulrika Bergström clarify the concepts and give you guidance here.

There is no doubt that if light brings life to the office. But needs vary depending on the time of day, how many people are in the office and what activities are going on at the moment. Being able to change the lighting as needed is both important and necessary.

The most common technique is to make the lighting dimmable. From the simplest solution where each light switch has a dimming function, to a computerised system where an app or computer program can create different scenarios and control the entire office or home's lights. In a normal interior design job, five-wire cable is run to all the luminaires so that dimming can be managed centrally. But there are times when you can't run new five-wire cables - either because it's not possible (e.g. too thick walls or K-rated property) or because it's too expensive. But don't worry - there are cost-effective alternatives that avoid the need to intervene in walls or change luminaires.

The solution is wireless dimming - a technology that replaces an existing switch with a "smart" switch. These switches then communicate wirelessly with each other and with an app. There is also an alternative option of putting a small transmitter on each light that you want to be able to dim, which then communicates wirelessly with an app or a button. All the connected lights can then be managed via an app and it is possible to create scenarios, timed dimming or the ability to manage the lights in real time.

- This technology has created new opportunities for us lighting designers to give each room its full potential. Now there is always the opportunity to create atmosphere with light and colour," says Beata Denton, lighting designer at Reform.

- Many companies we meet are amazed at the difference that can be made by creating scenarios and adding colour and dimming to the light picture. Many people think that changing the lighting is both complicated and expensive, but the technology has become much better and so has the price," says Ulrika Bergström, lighting designer at Reform.

Five tips on how to elevate your office with dimming

1. Inventory the conditions. Is it possible to run a 5-wire in the existing pipe from plug to luminaire? If so, it is possible to make a fixed installation. If this is not possible, you will have to look at a wireless solution.

2. How is the space used? Make sure you create the right light for the right use.

3. Are rooms used in different ways? Then it might be a good idea to create different scenarios where you can quickly change the light pattern.

4. Coloured light can change the experience and function of an entire room. Today there are both tunable white - different colour temperatures of white light, and RGB i.e. coloured light that can be easily adjusted by button or app.

5. Control of part of the plant. You can choose different degrees of influence for different parts of your lighting system. A traditional system can easily be improved by making some strategic parts more flexible.

Facts: Dimming technology

For offices, there are three leading ways to manage dimming and lighting scenarios.

Fixed installation
Fixed installation means pulling a so-called 5-wire from the power source to the luminaire. All lamps are connected to the group control centre which can then be controlled via an app or computer software via DALI or KNX control.

Wireless dimming

If you can't change the wiring in walls and ceilings, you can achieve the same power in smaller areas with wireless technology. In this case, you replace your usual control button with a "smart" button or, if there are not so many luminaires, install a transmitter in each lamp that forms a network that can be controlled via a button, app or computer program. You can choose to control most of the office via a screen/app.

Local dimming

You can choose to install dimmer functions in individual rooms and control the room locally via a button on the wall or via an app on the individual user's phone or a tablet associated with the room.

This is ABW - a clarification

Thank you all for coming to open our new office!

31 March, 2020

As interior designers, we often experience anxiety and confusion among clients and organisations when we talk about ABW - activity-based working. It is not for everyone, not a one-size-fits-all solution, but requires specific conditions. Jenny Öberg clarifies the concepts, the process and the results you can expect on