Sustainability is a matter of course and something we are constantly developing and implementing in our operations.


The first step in our mission is to inventory existing conditions and to highlight qualities and opportunities in reuse. We inventory premises, flows, building materials, furnishings, furniture and lighting.

Get involved

Our customers and partners need to be on board for a successful project. We lead joint workshops to define needs, requirements and objectives together. We start from our clients' guidelines but always push to go a little further.


We want to create an understanding of the importance of sustainable projects and we want to inspire by showing that both process and outcome need not be negatively affected or cost more. We give inspirational talks about reuse and up-cycling and how this has a profound impact on our clients' brands and the pride of our employees.


Once the understanding of needs, requirements and goals is clearly formulated, we identify opportunities for reuse and circular processes in the project. What qualities should we preserve and highlight? What opportunities are there to develop the existing? What needs to be decommissioned to create long-term quality?


What is the most important thing to meet in each project and how much can it cost financially and environmentally? The final priorities are set together with the client and partners. This is where the budget and sustainability targets are defined in detail.

Reflex and Reform have a self-developed sustainability compass to support and guide us through our missions. We start from different scales and focuses relevant to the mission, from the earth to the city to the building and the space. Initially in each assignment, a sustainability guideline is drafted with the most prioritised points to be "top of mind" from start to finish.

The sustainability compass covers areas such as space optimisation, accessibility and inclusion, sustainability and flexibility, energy and lighting, material and product choices, etc.

Selected projects

Reflex - All in recycling

See how we created a new office for ourselves, reusing all our furnishings. It was an exciting project with a high level of ambition for both the environment and the function and architecture of the new workplace.


Sustainability as an active approach

Intrum's goal is to increase pride through a sustainable workplace. Reform has created a workplace to attract new employees in a healthy and sustainable work environment. We have chosen furniture with the highest environmental labels and all products are made in Sweden from raw materials from Swedish forests. For the furnishings, board material made from recycled forest material has been used and 80% of the floor surface is covered by a textile carpet made from recycled fishing net and industrial waste.


Upcycling and material reuse

With several internationally acclaimed projects and hands-on remakes for the city of Stockholm, Daniel Svahn is driving his heart's issues and its development at Reform. Daniel works with a strong focus on exploring circular systems and material reuse within the field of interior architecture and furniture design.

Dynabyte - Attracting talent with alternative worlds

When Dynabyte moved into the classic KTH building on Drottninggatan, the goal was to use only recycled and second-hand furniture. The concept became "Down the rabbit hole" - a cavalcade of different fantasy worlds that together with the classic architecture of the building create a unique and playful environment. All the furniture was purchased at auction or second-hand sites.


Liljeholmshuset - Remake in practice with the City of Stockholm

Liljeholmshuset is being developed into a meeting place for young people and with a strong focus on reuse, we provide expert help on upcycling, re-design and rebuilding of old furniture into new variants and functions. Through workshops and carpentry together with staff and young people, we explore the amazing possibilities of reuse.


Daniel Svahn

Interior designer, recycling advocate

070 758 64 19

Want to book an inspirational talk? Get in touch with Daniel.

Jenny Öberg

Interior Architect SIR/MSA, Sustainability Manager Reflex

070-758 64 26